How very true, especially when it comes to weight loss. This particular new year resolution crumbled after less than two months at the gym. The truth is, I got bored. The same setting, same routine, same people, same, same, same… That has been my greatest enemy before, and apparently, after a few years of victory, it has come back again to challenge me. So I gave up on going to the gym and took a break. I ate, and slept, and baked (doesn’t sound too good, does it) and read, and just didn’t give it a lot of thought for a while. Until my clothes started shrinking just a bit and then a little bit more and then I knew I had to get back on track.
I figured I’d go back to the beginning and start walking for an hour every day and also give my dumbbells another chance. 😀 I also have a jump rope waiting for me in a box (one other great thing about house cleaning is that you find useful stuff among the useless ones – I may have mentioned that before).
Today has been my fourth day this week.
Let the new battle begin.
Oddly enough this week has been for me, one in which I have admitted defeat in the same battle. For me it was an inner resolution, and I have reached a point almost halfway to my goal. It is now time to re-capture that dicipline.
In many cases it is much harder to win the battles to maintain ones goal. Communication with fellow officers is important. Good Luck. 🙂
I found out that trying to lose weight is somehow comparable with walking a new road. Sometimes you lose your way and have to go back but the important thing is to never give up.
We’ll get there in the end. 🙂