Monthly Archives: November 2014

Read-along – Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

A while back, one of my friends sold some of his books before leaving Thailand and going back home. He sent me a list and one of the books that caught my eye was Lolita, a book I’ve wanted to read for a long time. It’s a perfect hardcover edition complete with bookmark – he belongs to that group of people who can’t stand the thought of writing on the pages or, God forbid, bending them. Perfectly understandable, as I am the same when it comes to books. The book had been sitting on a shelf ever since, between a copy of Andrew’s On The Holloway Road , which I’ve read, and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, which I haven’t.

Now it looks like I’m finally going to read it. My blogging friend Vishy from Vishytheknight asked me if we could do a read-along and I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. You’re more than welcome to join. I know December is a busy month so I’m hoping that by posting this in advance anybody who wants to join will have the chance to plan and maybe find the time to read with us. If you have a blog, choose one of the badges. If not, just leave your comments here or on Vishy’s blog.

The rules are simple:

1. Read-along starts December 7th.
2. Reviews will be posted from December 27th – 31st.

P.S. If you would like this story to be a surprise, do not read the introduction until after you’ve finished the book. I made the mistake of reading a few sentences and I think I stumbled on a major spoiler.

Lolita readalong 1

Lolita readalong 2

Posted in Challenges | 11 Comments