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A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.
(Diane Arbus)
I love that! I read it hours ago, and it’s been zinging in my brain since. Now I read it again, and it’s almost as if I can grasp the concept. Cool.
It is an interesting concept. You look at a photo and you see clearly who or what’s in it, but what you see is just the surface of things, isn’t it?
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LOLITA READ-ALONG(7-31 December, 2014)
I love that! I read it hours ago, and it’s been zinging in my brain since. Now I read it again, and it’s almost as if I can grasp the concept. Cool.
It is an interesting concept. You look at a photo and you see clearly who or what’s in it, but what you see is just the surface of things, isn’t it?