
I was born in the land of Dracula, and red is my favorite color. Add to this a love for horror stories – anything from ghosts to supernatural elements – a fondness for walks in the park, old buildings and the mysterious side of things. Stir in some historical fiction, a bit of fantasy and adventure. Sprinkle a bit of dark chocolate on top, add some sliced mango and voila, you have a cocktail of some of the things I like.
More than a decade ago I swapped the seasons for a perpetual summer and now I live in Thailand, where the food is spicy and wildlife still creeps into the garden.

This blog is an updated version of an older one. Now I write mostly book reviews, some flash fiction and short stories, and the odd post about travel or things I’ve been doing. Some of the stories are a few years old – you can see that by the date added at the end. I’ve made some slight changes to the contents of this page but decided to keep the comments as they were. Feel free to drop by and say hi and follow my posts if you want to get to know me.
I look forward to your comments.

18 Responses to About

  1. JoV says:

    Ah.. You are born in the land of dracula and you love red colour. 😉 You have got a nice blog going here. I will come back from time to time.

  2. olduvai says:

    You had me at No. 3 – I love love mangoes (but my heart really belongs to mangosteens). And then I saw No. 5 and that would be my ideal day – reading in the park and eating dark chocolate. 😛

    • Delia says:

      Believe me, it was a tough contest between mangoes and mangosteens. 🙂
      We seem to have quite a few things in common – I see from your blog that you like baking, not to mention that I’ve been to Singapore a few years ago and loved it!

      • olduvai says:

        That’s one of the worse things about living in the US – I haven’t had mangosteens in ages! I’ve seen them in the freezer section in the Chinese supermarkets here but never fresh ones!

        • Delia says:

          Frozen mangosteens, hmmm… that sounds weird. 🙂
          You miss the mangosteens and I miss the cheese! I love fresh cheese but all I can find here is the hard yellow version and sometimes Feta.

  3. Mel u says:

    I love Mangoes, we grow massive amounts on family trees in Zambales, home of The Mango Festival. Have you yet read The Transylvanian Trilogy? 1500 pages historical work set in Transylvania between the wars?

  4. Delia says:

    Mango love! You must be really happy to be able to grow them.
    I love the mango season, it’s so much fun to find the fruits in the garden in the morning and eat them straight away.
    I haven’t read The Transylvanian Trilogy, it’s on my TBR list now, thanks for mentioning it.

  5. Jade says:

    Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award! https://scatterbooker.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/one-lovely-blog-award/

  6. Marjorie says:

    Hi, ehm, Dracula. I like him too so that’s ok! And mango is delicious, yum..

  7. Hi Delia, This is a wonderful website. I intend to visit often. Thank you for writing to me, and for the beautiful recommendation list. 🙂

    • Delia says:

      Hello Deepika,
      Thanks for your visit. Hope to see you again.
      I’m glad you liked the books I recommended. Looking forward to your reviews.
      By the way, that is the cutest avatar!

  8. K.J. says:

    Incantat de cunostinta 🙂

    Si eu sunt departe de tara lui Vlad, dar nu chiar atat de departe ca tine. Cum stai cu diferentele culturale, daca nu-s prea curios? Thailanda pare sa fie o tara interesanta dar tare diferiti mai sunt fata de noi europenii – mult succes la adaptare, in orice caz!

    Ne auzim/citim online, acum ca ne-am intalnit. Nu e grozav totusi Internetul asta? 🙂

    • Delia says:

      Buna KJ,

      M-am obisnuit cu diferentele, iar pe cele cu care nu m-am obisnuit am invatat sa le accept. Uneori am impresia ca traiesc intr-un roman SF. 🙂
      Ma bucur de vizita, e tare simpatic avatarul tau.

      • K.J. says:

        Multumesc de compliment si de vizita pe blogul meu. Dupa cum vezi incerc intotdeauna sa raspund la comentariile pentru mine, oriunde ar fi ele 🙂

        Avatarul este selfie si apoi facut alb-negru cu Photoshop. Eu mi-s de plush, stii matale? Ei, da, acum sunt in forma umana dar de fapt sunt urs de plush.

        Bine ca e SF romanul tau si nu horror, haha! Mult succes pe mai departe!

        • Delia says:

          Am observat si apreciez ca raspunzi la comentarii.
          Se pare ca esti un ursulet multi-talentat. N-am mai vazut unul pina acum. Chiar ca e nemaipomenit internetul asta, nici nu stii ce surprize iti ofera.
          Mult succes si tie!

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